Next Meeting: 19th February. Graham Wylde: GB Line Engraved. Do come and Support.
Next Meeting: 19th February. Graham Wylde: GB Line Engraved. Do come and Support.
Philately is the study and collecting of anything to do with the postal service. Such as Stamps; Postal History (letters etc); Postmarks etc of any country, post routes or anything else to do with the Postal System.
Currently, members of Philatelic Societies mostly collect stamps of a particlar type. This could be from a certain Country; a specific Town or City; a Theme such as dogs, cats, bridges etc or anything else they can think of.
Postal History is the study of the history of postal systems, the routes used and any advancements or changes in the postal system. Again, this can be for any Country, County, City etc. The choice is always in the hands of the collector as to how and what they collect. There are no rules.
If you want to, you can 'Specialise' in a particular area of Philately. This means collecting in a specific area such as Queen Victoria Penny Blacks; The Postal History of Leeds; Stamps of the British West Indies. Again, the choice is yours.
There are no hard and fast rules in collecting philatelic material. You choose what you collect, how you store it and how you organise it. There are only rules if you decide you want to display in a competition. And not everybody feels that they want to do this. So, if you collect stamps/letters or want to know more, then please use the Contact Form on the front page of this website. Happy Collecting!
Postmarks can be a fascinating area to look at. There are so many. Literally thousands from every country.